A Reflection by a student - continued Week 6 - 13/11/97
T'ai Chi Partner Exercise
We worked extremely hard on the Seven Stars with a partner and also on the 9 Palaces
and the Four Directions. I found that although I could do it easily with Michael, I
found leading with another partner was not so easy. Michael decided that I was a
dancer and Louise was a soldier.
Chi Kung exercises
We went through the Chi Kung exercises and Stretching exercises and practiced the
Alternative Medicine - Health without Pills for Arthritis.
T'ai Chi Handform
I learned more T'ai Chi moves i.e.
- Twist the body and kick style.
- Boxing the Ears style
- Turn the Body to face the right style
- Raise the left leg and kick out in a curve style.
I am now half way through the T'ai Chi Handform.
Stress Control through Spiritual Healing
We practiced Reiki Healing without actually placing the hands on the subject but
following around the aura of the body. I was being healed and felt very strongly the
heat from the hands especially on my upper body and head. I felt quite refreshed at
the finish. We were also seeing the colours. I seem to concentrate on green
and pink (Love), blue for clarity of mind and I tried to see purple for strength?. I
felt I could see the aura of white around the body. Quite a moving experience.
Discussion: The Tao of T'ai Chi
We discussed the Tao of T'ai Chi. I am not quite sure as I need to read more and
spend more time discussing this. I seem to remember hearing that instead of going on
thinking directly you go around in circles and get there just the same, overtly or
indirectly. Self belief of the moral truth: I am sorry but I do need
more time on this.
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