A Reflection by a student - continued

 Week 7 - 21/11/97

T'ai Chi Partner Exercise

Worked very hard in the Partner 4 Directions and Seven Stars work, and worked on both arms.

Chi Kung exercises

Practised the Chi Kung and stretching for balancing techniques.

T'ai Chi Handform

I learned a new one in the T'ai Chi Handform, 'Turn around kick with a heal strike.

Self Defence

Practiced self defence T'ai Chi and learned what the moves in the T'ai Chi Handform were in the self defence.

Stress Control through Spiritual Healing

Practiced Reiki Healing on my partner and felt the heat from my hands and also from her body. It was a very quiet time and the feelings were very strong. My partner said she felt 'wonderful' at teh end of the session. I also felt very healed.


We discussed the 5 elements which we had practised the week before and I had forgotten the name. We also discussed ordering 'The Chakra Handbook' and Dan Docherty's book.

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Page last updated: 13/01/98