A Reflection by a student - continued

 Week 2 - 09/10/97

T'ai Chi Partner Exercises

I found it interesting that several of my fellow colleagues found it difficult to co-ordinate in these exercises as do the earlier class of people with learning disabilities and enjoyed trying to help them master these moves. I also learned that the idea was to break your partners rest (in a defensive T'ai Chi) where it was to throw your partner off balance.

Discussion: Breathing

Using the Chi Kung exercises, I was very conscious of my abdominal breathing. I had learned this method of breathing when I was pregnant with my first child, and had used it during the most stressful times during my life. I enjoyed the discussion and learned that apart from the abdominal rising, I learned how to direct the breathing back into the chest to expand it.

Stress Control through Spiritual Healing

We just touched on self-healing which I found very interesting and was very excited to learn more on this subject.

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