Chi Kung Exercises/Posture Techniques
I am now finding the Chi Kung exercises much easier especially combined with the
breathing. I can now hold the balance technique, posture exercises much longer as my arms
must be getting stronger and more used to the exercise. As the exercises are slowly
executed with the breathing I can concentrate fully on what I am doing and I feel this is
more beneficial to me.
Stretching Exercises/Balance Techniques
I used to be very supple and have great flexibility but since an accident combined with
stress my body unfortunately seized up and I lost a great deal of my mobility. It is with
great pleasure that I now feel that with the stretching exercises, I am now improving my
T'ai Chi Handform
I feel the T'ai Chi handform is becoming more familiar to me and I feel it 'flows
more'. I was very pleased to learn 'step back into seven stars' this evening.
Stress Control through Spiritual Healing
Tonight was the first time I have experienced self-healing with colours. I found the
experience very moving and felt the heat of the 'chi' moving up my body. I could see the
colours and the wheels whirring and could feel the light shining all around me. On
discussing this after the session with my colleagues, one or two of them had very strong
experiences and almost went into a trance and another felt as if the top of her head was
opening up. Another was unable to see the wheels although he could see the colours. It was
a very interesting experience.