Directory for the Healing
Arts E-mail:
Tel:- +44 (0) 171 403 7763
Mobile:- 0956 91 34 37
Brief Summary
If you are an agent
If you are a business
If you are both an agent and business
- About the agent
An agent is a person who brings business to the directory
- the agent receives 20% of sales of businesses that is generated by his/her clients
- clients are businesses or individuals who sell their products or services on the
- an account of the sales of all products and services is kept by our administration
department, agents have free access to their clients records and sales
- agents may be self employed or be employed by the Directory
- Businesses
- the Directory has its own captive audience. Members of the Zenon Wudang T'ai Chi School
use the Directory to keep up with information with classes and purchasing of course tools,
books, etc.,
- businesses encourage their customers to use the Directory to keep up with their new
products and services
- customers have the choice of choosing from the many other products and services that are
also available on the Directory
- Agents/Businesses
- businesses that invite others to join the Directory, benefits with a 20% payment from
the sales of their recruits
How the Directory makes its money
- products and sales
- customers are charged £10 to gain access to a list of addresses and information to the
products and services that they want
- businesses and individuals are charged on a monthly basis to advertise here
Social Events
- the Directory holds regular social events, dances, visits
to night clubs restaurants, bars, etc...
- the directory also provides a list of the best night spots
and venues
Sponsored by the Relaxation
Page last updated: 05/01/98 |